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Century-old CPC maintains strong appeal among young people

Source: Xinhua Updated: 2024-07-04

BEIJING -- Jiang Ruxue, a doctoral student at the School of Marxism at Peking University, aspires to become a teacher of Marxism in the future. She joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2020, driven by her deep-rooted admiration for the Party's commitment to serving the people.

Born and raised in the countryside in Hengshui, Hebei Province, Jiang recalls her formative years under her grandmother's care. She witnessed first-hand the Party members' efforts to help improve local living conditions through initiatives like renovating houses for elderly villagers free of charge.

"My grandmother was deeply grateful to the Party, which influenced me greatly. I grew up believing that the CPC helps ordinary folks," Jiang said.

Her career plan is to cultivate new Marxist believers while effectively disseminating the Party's ideological principles, thereby contributing to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Jiang's story resonates with many others who have similarly been inspired by the CPC's dedication to the nation's development and the well-being of its people. As the nation continues its journey towards modernization, young people from different walks of life see their membership in the Party as an opportunity to actively participate in the drive.

When studying and working overseas, Xu Yaoxian followed the motherland's development closely. Witnessing the rapid changes and advancements, he developed a strong desire to join the Party.

"Upon my return at the end of 2022, I promptly submitted my Party membership application," said Xu, R&D director of Bestchrom (Zhejiang) Biosciences Ltd. in east China's Zhejiang Province.

Xu is now a probationary CPC member. "In the process of building a modern nation, I've chosen not to be a bystander but an active participant. That's why I returned and joined the CPC," Xu said.

The CPC marked its 103rd founding anniversary on July 1. Figures highlight the strong appeal of the century-old party among young people. Among its nearly 100 million members by the end of 2023, more than one third are aged 40 and below. In 2023, the number of new Party members aged 35 and below reached 1.98 million, accounting for 82.4 percent of the increase in CPC members that year.

Liu Yin, 38, a community worker in Xicheng District, Beijing, believes that the CPC fosters a proactive working atmosphere: to press forward in the face of difficulties, and to lead by example without concern for personal gain or loss. "This embodies positive energy and is a valuable quality. I aspire to embody these traits," he said.

Liu submitted a CPC membership application last year. "I want to realize my personal value through grassroots efforts, leveraging my abilities to address the concerns of the community residents and make them live more comfortably."

In rural areas, many young people also aspire to join the CPC to better play their roles in rural revitalization.

"Following the Party, I have a clear direction in both work and life," said Kong Xiangfeng, a 35-year-old farmer in Kongdaogou Village, Qufu City in east China's Shandong Province. The public-minded woman became a probationary Party member in May.

Guo Jianbin, a postgraduate at Wuhan University, joined the CPC in 2020. "For me, joining the CPC represents a belief that only through its leadership can China achieve national rejuvenation, and only through becoming a Party member can I fulfill my personal value and make my own contribution to the national rejuvenation in a better way," he said. 

Intern Dai Xiang contributed to the story.