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Our Party’s Mission Is to Serve the People

Source: Xi Jinping The Governance of China IV Updated: 2023-04-26

Our Party’s Mission Is to Serve the People*

January 26, 2022

Our Party’s mission is to serve the people and to improve their lives.

Your village is in the Lüliang Mountains, near the Yellow River, and across the river is Shaanxi Province. In the late 1960s, I was sent to work as a farmer in Shaanxi’s Yanchuan County, which is not far from here. Its hilly terrain and ravines are similar to the landscape here. The Loess Plateau is our home, and the home of our ancestors. It has nurtured our Chinese civilization.

In the past, people of my age led a hard life. Even those living in cities wore patched clothes. I used to spin and weave during my farming years. In the past, I was always dismayed and concerned to see how hard life was for some people. But now, our rural areas have changed significantly. Food, clothing, and consumer goods have all improved, and the lack of basic necessities that troubled the Chinese for several thousand years has been addressed once and for all.

During this trip to Shanxi, I have been to two villages. I am delighted to see that you now lead a life of contentment. Yet we still have a long way to go. We have accomplished our First Centenary Goal, and are now on a journey towards the Second Centenary Goal. That is to build China into a modern socialist country in all respects. This goal, however, cannot be realized without modernizing agriculture and rural areas. We should pool our efforts to consolidate gains in poverty elimination with endeavors to revitalize the countryside.In this way, we will help our rural people to live a modern life with a bright future.

The sole aims of the CPC in governance are to meet the needs of the people, and give its all in serving them and striving for their wellbeing. This has never changed throughout its hundred years of history. Numerous revolutionary martyrs and forefathers sacrificed their lives for the cause or committed themselves to the reform and development of the country. We owe all our achievements to them.

We will stay true to the Party’s original aspiration and founding mission and do solid work, generation after generation, so that by the centenary of the PRC in 2049, our nation will stand taller and stronger in the East and make a greater contribution to humanity.


* Part of the speech during a visit to Linfen, Shanxi Province.

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