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Brief introduction of Han Zheng -- Chinese vice president

Source: Xinhua Updated: 2023-03-11


Han Zheng is elected vice president of the People's Republic of China at the ongoing session of the 14th National People's Congress in Beijing, capital of China, March 10, 2023. [Xinhua]

BEIJING -- The following is a brief introduction of Han Zheng:

Han Zheng, male, Han ethnicity, was born in April 1954 and is from Cixi, Zhejiang Province. He began his first job in December 1975 and joined the Communist Party of China in May 1979. Han graduated from the Institute of International Studies, East China Normal University, where he completed an in-service graduate program in international relations and world economy. He holds a Master of Economics degree and a professional title of senior economist.

Han is currently vice president of the People's Republic of China.