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Tajik party leader says CPC will lead China to new development miracles

Source: Xinhua Updated: 2021-07-03

DUSHANBE -- The people-centered philosophy and excellent governing capability of the Communist Party of China (CPC) are key to China's stunning achievements in the past decades and will lead the country to new development miracles, a veteran Tajik politician has said.

In a recent interview with Xinhua, 87-year-old Azimqul Nasimov, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Tajikistan, praised China's achievements in cracking down on corruption, improving the wellbeing of the Chinese people, containing the COVID-19 epidemic and eradicating absolute poverty.

As the CPC marks its centenary, Nasimov said, "we see how China is moving towards its goal with leaps and bounds thanks to the hard-working Chinese people and the leadership of the CPC."

He noted that "China is on the right path, for the benefit of the people and for the creation of a just and fair society by eradicating absolute poverty."

Commenting on bilateral ties, Nasimov said, "China and Tajikistan maintain very good relations."

"There are a lot of Chinese working in Tajikistan," Nasimov added. "The Chinese are here to help us build road transport infrastructure and many other projects."

As a communist, Nasimov said that he is proud of the achievements made by his comrades in China, voicing hope that his party and the CPC will continue to work together to carry out an increasing number of in-depth inter-party exchanges and cooperation, jointly respond to various challenges and promote the progress of mankind.