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Former Syrian diplomat says CPC represents mixture of principles, flexibility

Source: Xinhua Updated: 2021-06-04

DAMASCUS -- The Communist Party of China (CPC) represents "a mixture of principles and flexibility," former Syrian Ambassador to China Khalaf al-Jarad told Xinhua here in a recent interview.

The CPC sticks to the fundamental principles and at the same time has great flexibility in implementing such principles in accordance with socialism with Chinese characteristics, said al-Jarad, who is now a researcher and writer.

The former diplomat praised the CPC members as "the most tender, most credible, and most sacrificial group."

The secret of the CPC's success lies in its commitment to the Chinese people and its willingness to be the first to make sacrifices, he said.


Led by the CPC's policies, "China is rising in all fields," he said, adding that the CPC is already a model for every liberation party in the Arab countries and in developing countries as a whole.

Syria can benefit from the experience of China as a friendly country, he said. "We can take a lot from the experience of the Communist Party of China, especially in the field of implementing socialism with national characteristics," he said.

Noting that the CPC has been very successful in laying out and implementing successive five-year plans for economic reform and social development, al-Jarad said he is confident in the recently published 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025).

"We can be absolutely certain that the People's Republic of China will follow the lead of this plan and implement it completely, because all the past plans have been implemented with great precision, and have often exceeded them for the better," he added.