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Zhuhai clears medium-risk areas for COVID-19


Updated: 2022-01-29

Zhuhai has downgraded all three areas in Nanping Town of Xiangzhou District from medium-risk to low-risk COVID-19 areas as of 6 am on Jan 28. As a result, locals are no longer required to provide a negative nucleic acid test result conducted within 24 hours for traveling out of the city.

However, passengers still need to have their body temperature checked and present a green health code when entering the terminal, according to Zhuhai (Jinwan) Airport.

It is recommended that visitors check the latest COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control measures of their destination cities, as well as prepare the required materials in advance. For further information, they can call the airport's hotline (+86-756-777-1111) or refer to its official website, WeChat account, and Sina Weibo account.


People and vehicles flow again in Nanping Town [Photo by Ye Qiuming / Guanhai App]

The Zhuhai Center for Disease Control & Prevention noted that attention should be paid to ensuring constant vigilance against imported COVID-19 cases and domestic resurgences. It has also released the following notices:

Visitors to Zhuhai with travel history to any medium or high-risk COVID-19 areas in the past 14 days must report the relevant information to their local residential communities, hotels, or employers. Others returning from outside Zhuhai must monitor their health conditions and report to their local residential communities, hotel, or employers immediately if their health codes turn yellow or red. 

It is recommended that Zhuhai residents avoid traveling to medium or high-risk COVID-19 areas or places with confirmed COVID-19 cases. If traveling is essential, then please report to the local community in advance. 

When taking public transportation and being in public areas, people must wear masks properly and maintain social distance.

For people experiencing symptoms, such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, or diarrhea, they should immediately visit the designated medical institutions for a checkup, avoid taking public transportation and wear masks when going out for medical treatment, and do not take medications before the visit. 

Residents are also suggested to minimize mail orders involving overseas parcels, especially those from high-risk countries and regions, wear disposable masks and gloves when handling the mails, disinfect the outer packaging with chlorine disinfectant or medical alcohol, unpack the parcel outdoors if possible, as well as discard the outer packaging.

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