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Xiangshan Lake Park


Updated: 2020-12-17

Encircled by a 2,400-m (1.5-mile) track, Xiangshan Lake Park (香山湖公园) opened to the public in New Xiangzhou for the first time on Jan 1, 2019. The park has a tourist service center, bicycle lane and footpath, lotus pond, covered corridor, entertainment-oriented docks, restaurants, and bars.

The first phase of 147-hectare (363-acre) Xiangshan Lake Park is located off Jianmin Road (建民路), north of West Meihua Road (梅华西路) and east of Zhuhai Number 1 High School in New Xiangzhou. Encircled by a 2,400-m (1.5-mile) track, it is west of Dajingshan Reservoir (大镜山水库), and south of Meixi Reservoir (梅溪水库).


Lake-circling bike lane and walkway [Photo by Cheng Lin / Zhuhai Daily]

Phase II of the park opened to visitors on May 1, 2020 with a lush eaglewood, delonix regia, musa basjoo, bamboo forest, groves of Japanese banana and lychee trees, and year-round blooms.

The Lingnan-styled (Cantonese) garden consists of a lake, old-fashioned covered bridge, waterside pavilions, natural waterfalls, and lake-circling walkways. Fish, ducks, graylag geese, and black swans thrive in green waters along the winding trail set against a background of verdant mountains. 

The Xiangshan Lake-Sumlodol Camping Rest Station, located at where the lakeside landscape belt abuts the mountainous park area, promotes outdoor and recreational vehicle camping culture.


Lingnan-styled architectures in Phase II of Xiangshan Lake Park [Photo by Shen Yang & Ye Qiuming / Zhuhai Media Group]

The park's 139,000-sqm (34-acre) third phase officially opened on Dec 15, 2020. Designed in typical Cantonese architecture style of the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911), it has wok-shaped gable walls, a ridge with ancient artifact patterns, and elaborate tile and wooden carvings. The architecture is bilaterally symmetrical although the left and right sides differ in details. 

Visitors will encounter two cavanillesia umbellate (deciduous trees with wide trunks and open crowns) at the entrance. The moon gate Yunqu (Road in the Clouds) frames views of the nearby Fenghuang Mt hiking trails. The courtyard in the west holds a lotus pond containing a grotesque rock and koi fish. An overlook of Xiangshan Lake is provided in front.

At night, the rooftop and coupling beams of the Cantonese architecture will be lit up by 2,400 corrugated and 2,350 chrysanthemum flower-shaped lamps. In addition, the 300-m (328-yd) corridor is decorated with 20 palace lanterns, while the cloud boardwalks will have a 1,200-m (1,312-yd) hidden lighting belt, as well as more than 80 tree and bird nest-shaped lamps in the forest.

Zhengfang Holdings plans to include water amusement facilities in the future.

100 East Jianmin Road, New Xiangzhou (新香洲健民路东100米)

Take Buses 13, 16, 17, 23, 26, 35, 55, B5, B6, or Tram Line 1 to Meihuazhong (梅华中); or 46 or B9 to East Gate of Zhuhai Number 1 High School (一中东门).


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