XJTU students make fruitful achievements in mathematical contest in modeling
June 06, 2018
XJTU students' achievements during the Mathematical Contest in Modeling broke the high record of the university by obtaining 2 awards for Outstanding Winner, 1 award for the Outstanding Winner Nomination, 18 first awards, and 39 second awards.
Nobel Laureate Shuji Nakamura visits XJTU
May 10, 2018
On May 2nd, 2018, at the invitation of the XJTU School of Sciences, the 2014 Nobel Prize Winner in Physics,Prof. Shuji Nakamura of the University of California, Santa Barbara, visited XJTU.
XJTU Professor Dieter H.H. Hoffmann Awards the Title of “State Specially Recruited Experts”
April 20, 2018
On April 14, XJTU Professor Dieter H.H. Hoffmann, an expert from the "National 1000 Talent Program of Foreign Experts" was invited to attend the16th Conference on International Exchange of Professionals in Shenzhen.
Zheng Nanning and Xu Zongben elected to be CAAI fellows
January 31, 2018
Recently, the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI), the only national association in the field of artificial intelligence in China, announced their first group of CAAI Fellows on their official website.
XJTU Professor elected to be ASM International Fellow
January 17, 2018
On October 10th, 2017, ASM International announced the ASM's 2017 Class of Fellowson their official website, representing an honor given to members for their contributions to materials science and engineering.
XJTU professor selected as one of the Most Influential Scholars
January 10, 2018
Recently, China Research Center for Humanities and Social Science Assessment released the 2017 edition of the Most Influential Scholars List of Chinese Philosophy and Social Science.
XJTU launches first two ACCA On-line courses on icourse.org
January 08, 2018
XJTU's first two ACCA courses were officially launched on icourse.org.
China’s first edition of Arbitration Rules for International Investment Disputes launched
January 02, 2018
It is China's first and the world's third document on the arbitration rules for international investment disputes. The issuance fills in a domestic legal gap in this field.