Welcome to Xi'an Jiaotong University!

The delegation of XJTU visited The Republic of Belarus and Hongkong to expand the co-operation among the Belt and Road Initiatives

September 03, 2016
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During August 3th and August 10th, Xi Guang the vice-president of XJTU headed a delegation of XJTU to visit the Republic of Belarus and Hongkong. The delegation participated the conference of industrialization of scientific and technological achievements between the Republic of Belarus and P.R.China. Vice president Xi Guang discussed with Yury Aliakseyeu the vice president of Belarusian National Technical University. They also attended the Silk Road Youth Leadship Program in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Vice president Xi Guang gave a keynote speech during the conference of industrialization of scientific and technological achievements between the Republic of Belarus and P.R.China.


On August 4th morning, vice president Xi Guang discussed with Cui Qiming the ambassador of P.R.China in the Republic of Belarus.


On August 5th, the delegation visited the industrial park co-build by the Republic of Belarus and P.R.China.


On August 9th, the delegation participated the Silk Road Youth Leadship Program in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Vice president Xi Guang gave a speech during the Closing Ceremony.

