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Harvard University sent a student delegation to XJTU on a study tour

June 11, 2015
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On June 10, 2015, a student delegation from Harvard University visited XJTU on exchanges with faculty and students of School of Management. VP Zheng Qinghua and Prof. Wang Yingluo, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, well received the delegation.

On behalf of XJTU, VP Zheng Qinghua express a warm welcome to the student delegation and introduced the culture and famous attractions in Xi’an as well as history, disciplinary building and international exchanges etc of XJTU. He hoped the visit could enhance student exchanges, consolidate friendship and fuel exchanges in thinking and culture. He also encouraged the two universities to engage broader and closer exchanges and collaboration in the future.

Ms Wei Liping, Director of Harvard China Fund, showed her gratitude to XJTU for the great hospitality. She briefed on the development of the student visit programs at Harvard and the visit plan of the delegation. The history of the program could be dated back to over 60 years ago. At the time, a student from Harvard joined a similar visit program to Asia. He had hands-on experience about the Asian culture and food and became attached to them. This changed his thoughts about Asian culture and eventually impacted upon his career and even the Sino-American relations or the history of Asia and the world in the past three decades. That student is the former American Secretary of State, Dr. Henry Alfred Kissinger. Director Wei further remarked the students from Harvard and XJTU should engage in broader exchanges and encouraged XJTU students to visit Harvard, given the prestige of XJTU.

Dean Huang Wei of School of Management presented a talk entitled One Belt One Road Strategy is an Inevitable Choice for China to go to Global and Enter into World Power Club and answered question from the student delegation. Students from School of Management paired up with Harvard students to visit XJTU History Museum and the campus canteen.