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XJTU’s good job in National Digital Design Competition

May 21, 2015
  L M S

The 5th National Digital Design Competition on Mechanical Products was held in Huazhong University of Science and Technology from May 15th to 17th. 11 designs of XJTU entered into the final and performed quite well, ending with 3 first prizes, 5 second prizes and 3 third prizes. The total number and the number of first prize topped the list among all.


54 universities and colleges from 20 Provinces, cities, and municipalities including Taiwan took part in the event and competed for climbing robots design under the theme "Limits Climbing Over". 90 out of 470 pieces were in the final through semi-final and preliminary rounds.


Base on a comprehensive evaluation of originality, rationality, function and practical use, 2 Outstanding prizes, 18 first prizes (around 3.7%), and 30 second prizes (around 5.7%) stood out after fierce oral defense and hands-on rivalry.