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XJTU Professor Got 2014 Thomson Reuters “The Most Influential International Citation Award”

November 28, 2014
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The first "Thomson Reuters Chinese Quotation Laurel Awards" were unveiled recently. 111 scientists from mainland China got "Highly Quoted Scientist Award", among whom 15 were awarded "The Most Influential International Citation Award". Professor Cheng Hai from XJTU Research Institute of Global Environment Change got the latter. He was the only scientist in geosciences among the 15 and also the only scientist of XJTU who got the honor.

The 15 awardees were from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Agriculture, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Xi’an Jiaotong University and Shenzhen Huada Gene Research Institute.

Thomson Reuters is commercial and intelligent information provider merged by Canadian Thomson Corporation and British Reuters Group PLC. As a world leading provider of professional information, its global "Citation Laurel Award" in each September is viewed as an indicator of Nobel Prize. From 2002 to 2014, Thomson Reuters had successfully predicted 37 Nobel Prize winners.