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XJTU hosted the Academic Annual Meeting of the National Basic Education Research Society of Computer for the Universities and the 30th Anniversary of Founding

November 03, 2014
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From October 25 to 26, the Academic Annual Meeting of the National Basic Education Research Society of Computer for the Universities and the 30th Anniversary of Founding was held in Xi'an. The vice standing president of the research society professor Wu Gongyi from Nankai University delivered a speech on behalf of the president. The vice president of XJTU Zheng Qinghua delivered a speech on behalf of XJTU. The meeting was chaired by the secretary general of the research society professor Liu Guilong from Beijing Language and Culture University and professor Gui Xiaolin from XJTU. Famous professors and experts including basic education expert of computer professor Feng Boqin from XJTU, professor Tan Haoqiang and professor Wu Wenhu from Tsinghua University, professor Liu Ruiting from Nankai University, professor Zhang Sen from Zhejiang University, the vice president of China Agricultural University professor Fu Zetian and professor Guo Jinghua from Taiwan Danjiang University and 340 representatives from 160 universities attended the meeting.

The National Basic Education Research Society of Computer for the Universities was founded in 1984. It is the earliestacademic organization on the basic education of computer in China with the largest scale and the most profound influence. It has made outstanding contribution to the popularization and education of computer in China.

At this meeting, the attendees broadly and deeply discussed and exchanged ideas aboutthe problems existing in the basic education of computers, the challenges and opportunities it faced and the countermeasures. They deeply discussed the frontier problems on the basic teaching of computers in which people were interested now. At the meeting, the director of the Guiding Committee of Computer Course Teaching in Universities of the Ministry of Education professor Li Lian from Hefei Industrial University delivered a report entitled "Talk on Computer Thought for 7 Years". The vice president of XJTU professor Zheng Qinghua delivered a report entitled "the Challenges and Countermeasures Faced by Cognitive Learning at the Era of Big Data on Network".The vice president of China Agricultural University professor Fu Zetian delivered a report entitled "the Development and Future Trend of MOOC". Professor Tan Haoqiang from Tsinghua University delivered a report entitled "30 Years of Unity and Struggle". Professor Zhang Sen from Zhejiang University delivered a report entitled "the New Situation Faced by Network and Information Security and Countermeasures". Professor Guo Jinghua from Taiwan Danjiang University delivered a report entitled "Dream Factory——the Cooperation conjuncture and Outlook of MOOCs cross the Strait". Professor Gao Lin fromBeijing Union university delivered a report entitled "Modern Professional Education System and Computer Education in Universities". Professor Li Fengxia delivered a report entitled "Virtual Experiment Based Calculation Thought Landing Practice ——Reform on the Teaching Content of Computer Course in Universities".

More than 20 other guests who were the vice honorary president and vice president of the research society, the vice director of the Guiding Committee of Computer Course Teaching in Universities of the Ministry of Education and committee members attended the meeting.

97 papers were got at the meeting and excellent papers were evaluated.3 papers from the Computer Teaching Experiment Center of XJTU got prizes. The meeting was undertaken by the Computer Teaching Experiment Center of XJTU.