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XJTU Alumnus Tan Tieniu Elected Academician of British Royal Engineering Academy

September 23, 2014
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Recently, the British Royal Engineering Academy announced the newest list of academicians. XJTU Alumnus, Tan Tieniu, the academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the researcher of the Automation Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Science was elected the academician of the British Royal Engineering Academy. The British Royal Engineering Academy is the highest institution in British engineering science and technology, which gathers the most excellent scholars in Great Britain and the British Commonwealth. When assessing Tan's work, the academy commented: Tan is the international top scholar in the field of model identification. His academic contributions laid a foundation for the sustainable development in his field. His research results have been applied to the engineering actually in many important fields.

Tan Tieniu, graduated fromXJTU Department of Information and Control Engineering with a bachelor degree. Then he got his master and doctor degree in Imperial College of Technology. Now he is the deputy secretary general of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the director general of the International Cooperation Bureau, the chairman of China Artificial Intelligence Society, the fellow of IEEE and the International Model Identification Society, the first vice chairman of International Model Identification Society and the chairman of the Biological Identification Society of IEEE. He was the representative of the 16th, 17th and 18th People's Congress of CPC. He is the editorial member of many international academic magazines including IEEE T-PAMI, Pattern Recognition and Pattern Recognition Letters. He is the editor-in-chief of Inter. Journal of Automation and Computing and Automation Journal. He also got the honorary title of "Chinese Youth May 4 Medal".