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Members of the Research and Advanced Studies Class for Diplomats from Russian Speaking Countries Visit XJTU School of International Education

May 23, 2014
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On the afternoon of May 20, 14 members of the Research and Advanced Studies Class for Diplomats from Russian Speaking Countries visited the XJTU School of International Education. The director of the Admission Office of the School of International Education Li Chongxiao welcomed the visitors and reviewed the profound friendship between China and Russian speaking countries. Ms. Li Tong from the Admission Office gave a presentation on the development of the school, curricula, international exchanges and various aspects of the life of foreign students to the members of the Research and Advanced Studies Class. The members of the Research and Advanced Studies Class said that they were very happy to visit XJTU. Meanwhile, they thanked XJTU for training excellent foreign students and they asked questions on the total number of foreign students, how foreign students could apply for scholarship and come to study in China and the exchange and training of international teachers. Later, the two parties exchanged gifts and posed for a group photo. They then were given a tour of the campus and also visited the Qin Opera Museum.