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Tianjin’s Wuqing launches agricultural park, attracts investment

exploringtianjin.com| Updated : 2023-03-22


The China Agricultural Park in Tianjin’s Wuqing district saw the inking of 19 projects worth 1.6 billion yuan ($232.20 million) on its inauguration day, on March 21. The settling companies and institutions cover domains varying from seedlings and planting to deep-processing.

Bordering Beijing and Hebei, the district has been actively integrating into the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region based on its advantageous location.


The park is part of such efforts to utilize the agriculture advantages of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal running through the district.

Covering 494,000 mu with 221 administrative villages and high-standard farmlands, the park will play a leading role in Wuqing's urban agricultural sector.

Wuqing has been deepening the structural reform of its agricultural supply side, and strives to promote agricultural modernization. In recent years, it has been appraised as a "National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park" and a "National Agricultural Sustainable Development Pilot Demonstration Zone".