Ying Yong attends 22nd Prosecutors General Meeting of the SCO Member States, delivers keynote speech

en.spp.gov.cn| July 25, 2024

The Role of the Prosecutor's Office in the Modern World and the Era of Digitalization - SCO Countries' Experiences in Countering New Threats and Ensuring Human Rights


On July 25 local time, the 22nd Prosecutors General Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States is held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov delivered a video address to the meeting.


Ying Yong, Chief Grand Prosecutor and Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China, delivers a keynote speech at the meeting.

On July 25 local time, the 22nd Prosecutors General Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Member States was held in Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, with a theme of "the Role of the Prosecutor's Office in the Modern World and the Era of Digitalization - SCO Countries' Experiences in Countering New Threats and Ensuring Human Rights". 

The meeting marked the first gathering of prosecutors general of the SCO countries since Belarus became a member of the organization.

Procuratorial delegations from the 10 SCO member states and dialogue partner Azerbaijan, as well as representatives of the SCO Secretariat and regional counter-terrorism agencies, attended the event.

Ying Yong, Chief Grand Prosecutor and Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) of China, led the Chinese procuratorial delegation to the meeting.

The event was hosted by the Prosecutor General's Office of Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov delivered a video address to the meeting, and Kyrgyz Prosecutor General Maksat Asanaliev presided over it.

Ying and the heads of delegations from other countries delivered keynote speeches centering on the theme of the meeting with some speaking via video link.


Heads of the delegations of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states and dialogue partner Azerbaijan pose for a group photo.

In his address, Japarov noted that the gathering of the prosecutors general in Bishkek fully demonstrates the commitment of the SCO countries to strengthening the rule of law. He highlighted the indispensable role of offices of prosecutors general of these countries in maintaining legal order, protecting human rights, and combating transnational crimes, terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking, among other responsibilities.

Japarov underscored the importance of international cooperation within the SCO framework to the alignment of development strategies of SCO countries, collaboration in combating various crimes, and safeguarding of regional security.

Kyrgyzstan is willing to enhance practical exchanges and cooperation in the field of the rule of law with other SCO countries, he said.

In his keynote address, Ying pointed out that the digital age has ushered in various digital technologies, which not only bring significant convenience to people's lives and production, but also pose increasingly severe risks and challenges.

Crimes perpetrated using digital technologies are characterized by high levels of professionalism, intelligence, concealment and complexity compared to traditional crimes, and they exhibit clear transnational features and pose new and greater threats to national security, social development, and human rights protection, he said.

It has become an important consensus in the international community to strengthen cooperation in preventing and combating cybercrimes, and to jointly address new challenges and safeguard human rights, he added.

Ying noted that China attaches great importance to addressing the risks and challenges brought about by digitalization by leveraging the power of the rule of law, and has comprehensively strengthened legislation, law enforcement and judicial work in the digital field, laying the foundation for a legal protection system.

Chinese procuratorial authorities have thoroughly implemented Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, conscientiously upheld the constitutional principle of respecting and protecting human rights, adhered to the principles of the rule of law, such as no penalty without a law, presumption of innocence and that there can be no guilt without evidence, Ying said.

They fully exercise procuratorial functions, and lawfully punish crimes endangering cybersecurity and digital security, effectively safeguarding security in the digital domain, he added.

Ying said that, to combat precise data profiling through the theft of citizens' personal information and the fraudulent use of AI face-swapping technology, China has strengthened the application of data algorithms and technical means, such as 3D measurement and imaging, to enhance the recognition capabilities of deeply forged audiovisual materials, and intensified efforts to combat crimes infringing on citizens' personal information by telecom fraud or cyber fraud.

China has handled public interest litigation cases in areas such as infringement of citizens' personal information, false advertising, and consumption fraud, and strengthened governance for preventing infringement in the digital age, he said.

The nation has implemented a digital prosecution strategy, fully utilized digital technologies to assist in judicial cases and increased legal supervision through big data while enhancing its quality and efficiency, he added.

With the acceleration of the digitalization process, it is more important and urgent for the procuratorial authorities of SCO member states to strengthen practical cooperation, Ying said, adding that the Astana Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO emphasizes the importance of further deepening mutually beneficial cooperation in the domain of the digital economy and supporting development of digital technology.

China's procuratorial organs are ready to work with procuratorial authorities of other SCO member states to actively implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping, and to promote the "Shanghai Spirit," further deepen practical cooperation, jointly shoulder the heavy responsibility of addressing risks and challenges in the digital age, and better safeguard the national interests and people's well-being of all countries, he noted.

He underlined the need for the SCO member states to build on existing mechanisms to deepen cooperation in areas such as collaboration on specific cases and electronic evidence, and explore the construction of an open and mutually beneficial digital procuratorial cooperation framework.

Ying also emphasized the importance of enhancing mutual learning and exchange of experiences, strengthening personnel exchanges and training, jointly cultivating professional talents, and improving judicial business standards.

Following extensive communication and exchanges, the meeting participants reached important consensuses on enhancing cooperation among procuratorial authorities of SCO member states on IT applications, and increasing efforts to combat cybercrimes and crimes infringing on human rights through judicial assistance.

The heads of the delegations of the SCO member states jointly signed the minutes of the 22nd Meeting of Prosecutors General of SCO Member States, in which the member states decided that the 23rd Meeting of Prosecutors General of SCO Member States will be held in Pakistan in 2025.

Yang Jinghai, Chief Prosecutor of the People's Procuratorate of Shanxi Province, Li Yongjun, Chief Prosecutor of the People's Procuratorate of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and Gao Jiming, Chief Prosecutor of the People's Procuratorate of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, attended the meeting as part of the Chinese delegation.

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