Shanxi works to provide multifunctional social security cards


Six departments of North China's Shanxi province recently formulated a joint work plan for the province's social security card services, aiming to promote the establishment of multifunctional social security cards for resident services.

The province has made it clear that in 2024, with the goal of cross-departmental, cross-regional, and cross-level application of social security cards, Shanxi will promote the application of social security cards in areas such as transportation, medical treatment and medicine purchasing, tourism and sightseeing, and cultural experience.

In the field of human resources and social security, common matters related to social security services, employment, and human resources services will be processed online and in-person through social security cards.

Furthermore, Shanxi will seek to achieve full coverage of social security cards in the field of medical treatment and medicine purchase, specifically including services such as registration and treatment in designated hospitals throughout the province, medical treatment and drug purchase via medical insurance, outpatient department-coordinated medical treatment and drug purchase, as well as medical insurance settlement for medical treatment in other regions.

The application of third-generation social security cards in public transportation such as buses and subways will also be achieved by loading transportation joint keys and other methods.

In addition, the province will promote the widespread application of social security cards in matters related to cultural experience. The social security card will be used to enter libraries at provincial and city levels and apply for a library card, as well as for making reservations at Shanxi Museum.