Shanxi acts to reduce carbon emissions from coal industry


Updated: 2023-12-05

North China's Shanxi province recently issued a plan of realizing the carbon peak goals in its coal industry to accelerate the green and low-carbon development of the industry.

The plan involves eight tasks, including the construction of national coal supply guarantee bases, the green development of coal resources, energy-saving and carbon reduction in coal production, resource recycling, clean and efficient utilization of coal, and low-carbon technological innovation in the coal industry. 

For example, Shanxi will comprehensively promote the construction of dedicated railway lines for large-scale coal enterprises in mining areas, large-scale logistics parks, and trading distribution bases, optimize the coal logistics network, and increase the proportion of clean transportation ways. 

The province will promote the construction of green mines, and establish a mature and reliable coal resource green development technology system for various scenarios. 

It will also strengthen its energy-saving and low-carbon management of enterprises, and encourage coal enterprises to establish carbon emission information evaluation management systems and carbon emission accounts. 

Moreover, it will promote the full utilization of space resources and supporting facilities in mining areas to develop new energy such as wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, and hydrogen energy, and increase the scale of carbon sequestration in mining areas.