Love unexpected, a network drama produced by the Oriental Movie Metropolis Film and Television Industrial Park in Qingdao's West Coast New Area, will premiere on Feb 28.
The drama, which began filming on July 20, 2021, has more than 300 gorgeous locations in the new area, such as Tangdao Bay Park.
The network drama Love unexpected is filmed at Tangdao Bay Park in Qingdao's West Coast New Area. [Photo/WeChat account: xihaianfabu]
In addition, the Oriental Movie Metropolis Film and Television Industrial Park is also the filming location of The Wandering Earth 2, which will debut in 2023.
Chinese actor Wu Jing from the film The Wandering Earth 2, which is being produced at the Oriental Movie Metropolis Film and Television Industrial Park, will debut in 2023. [Photo/WeChat account: xihaianfabu]
The Lingshan Bay Film and Television Culture Industry Area, which serves as one of China's largest and busiest film production centers, is located in the new area.
An aerial view of the Oriental Movie Metropolis Film and Television Industrial Park in the Qingdao West Coast New Area [Photo/WeChat account: xihaianfabu]
The Oriental Movie Metropolis will continue to increase its efforts to boost the movie sector in 2022. To meet the crew's needs, the company needs to strengthen its service level and professional capabilities.