Enjoy breakfast snacks in Jinan

(chinadaily.com.cn)| Updated : 2023-11-06

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Editor's note: Shandong province in East China has cultivated a range of well-known brands across several sectors including manufacturing, tourism, culture, agriculture and food. The "Friendly Shandong, Remarkable Shandong" brand strategy has increasingly become a key engine for driving the province's high-quality growth. China Daily is publishing a series of stories to display various renowned brands, specialties and handicrafts in Shandong.

[Video/Iqilu News]

There is a wide variety of breakfast snacks in Jinan, capital of Shandong province, and for regulars, they are really hard to forget.

Youxuan is a traditional delicacy in Jinan. The skin is crispy, and its inside is tender, with a green onion flavor. It is shaped like a spiral and its surface is golden, giving it the name youxuan.

Stewed cattail in milk soup with fresh and light taste is a renowned Jinan delicacy and is known as the best Jinan soup.

Its ingredients include moss vegetables, mushrooms, ham slices, and milk soup cooked together.

The dish became popular as early as the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) and was named a representative of Shandong cuisine on the A Bite of China II, a popular documentary about Chinese cuisine.

The dish has the effect of cooling and detoxifying. Made with sea cucumber, the dish is quite nutritious and good for the stomach.

Tianmo, a type of salty porridge made of millet, is also a popular choice for breakfast in Jinan. The dish contains ginger, pepper, spinach, peanut, thin sheets of bean curd and a dash of hot oil.
