Shandong to build water sample network

(| Updated : 2023-01-06

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Shandong government recently released a regulation stating that the province will complete the construction of a water sample network by the end of 2025.

According to the regulation, the coverage rate of the water network in the province is expected to reach 88.2 percent, and the total annual water consumption of the province will be limited to 24.11 billion cubic meters.

According to Huang Hongguang, head of the water resources department of Shandong province, Shandong is one of the two water network pilot areas at the provincial level in China, and has the most complex water regime, so it is important for Shandong to build a water sample network.

By 2025, the water consumption per 10,000 yuan ($1455.6) of the gross domestic product and per 10,000 yuan of the industrial added value is expected to decrease by 16 percent and 10 percent, respectively, compared with that in 2020.

Due to the uneven distribution of water resources in cities, Shandong plans to build a great number of large and medium-sized reservoirs to gather water during rainy seasons and redistribute its water resources.

During the 14th-Five-Year-Plan (2021-25) period, Shandong is expected to invest a total of 385.5 billion yuan into the construction of a water sample network, which consists of around 400 projects.