Try classical indoor exercise: Wu Qin Xi

By Zhu Linyong | (| Updated : 2020-03-18

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This photo shows a TCM hospital poster describing the Wu Qin Xi health regime. [Photo/]

The philosophy behind the exercise

When the equilibrium of the yin and yang energies within the human body is disturbed, that situation weakens the immune system and eventually leads to illness. Practicing Wu Qin Xi daoyin qigong exercise helps rebuild a balance between the Yin and Yang energies within the human body and that leads to health and happiness.

Daoyin, aka dao yin, literally leading and guiding the qi (vital energy), refers to dynamic exercise developed by ancient Chinese for health and fitness, as compared to xing qi, literally promoting free flow of energy throughout human body -- static exercises usually done in sitting postures.

Meanwhile, qigong, aka qi gong, literally energy-promoting practice, is an umbrella term covering a wide range of classic regimen skills. They all adopt a holistic approach to building the overall wellness of human body and mind, integrating gymnastic movements, special breathing techniques and mind concentration.

There are reportedly at least 40 surviving classic texts containing pages about Hua's Wu Qin Xi. It is regarded as the earliest daoyin qigong exercise, with a fully developed form and based on traditional Chinese medicine and philosophies. Also, Wu Qin Xi is the only existing classical health regime that can be attributed to an authenticated single creator.

Worshipped even today as a great Daoist master, acupuncturist, herbalist and surgeon with rich knowledge of human anatomy, Hua was the first surgeon in history to use anesthesia during medical operations.

He invented a general anesthetic technique, combining a fermented drink with a certain herbal concoction called ma fei san, literally cannabis boiled powder.

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