
POWERCHINA subsidiary signs contract with Santo Domingo

Updated: October 30,2020

Sinohydro Group Ltd, a subsidiary of POWERCHINA, signed a business contract for the Santo Domingo Water Supply Project with Santo Domingo Public Water Company, Ecuador on Oct 28.

The mayor and deputy mayor of Santo Domingo, the general manager of the public water company, as well as nearly 100 local citizens attended the signing ceremony.

The project includes the construction of water intake equipment, tap water plants, diversion pumping stations, booster pumping stations, water pipelines, and supporting facilities. It is one of the key national drinking water supply projects of Ecuador. The completion of the project will effectively improve the drinking water supply problem of 100,000 local residents, as well as make contribution to regional social and economic development.

The signing ceremony of the water supply project between POWERCHINA's Sinohydro Group Ltd and Santo Domingo Public Water Company, Ecuador. [Photo/POWERCHINA]