NPC deputy spends life in sand control, shedding light on greening efforts

Updated: 2024-08-30


Shi Guangyin, a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress, a deputy to Yulin Municipal People's Congress in Northwest China's Shaanxi province and Party chief of Shilisha village in Dingbian county, Shaanxi province, checks seedlings. [Photo provided to]

In the arduous battle against desertification, Shi Guangyin, 72, Party chief of Shilisha village of Dingbian county in Yulin city, Northwest China's Shaanxi province, has dedicated over 40 years of his life to combating sandstorms and establishing a "Green Great Wall" in desolate lands.

In Yulin, a key area in China's Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program that was initiated by the Chinese government in the 1970s to improve the ecological environment in northern China, Shi, a deputy to the Yulin Municipal People's Congress, has led his community in planting over 53 million trees across 250,000 mu (17,000 hectares) of barren land, transforming 350,000 mu of land into lush greenery.

Desertification poses a significant global ecological challenge that affects human survival and development. China is one of the most severely affected countries. Historically, Yulin has suffered extensive ecological degradation, with vast forests being decimated and barren land merging with the Mu Us Desert. In the 100 years prior to the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Yulin saw six towns, 412 villages, and 2.1 million-mu farmland swallowed by drifting sands.

In such harsh conditions, Shi's father relocated his family nine times to evade the encroaching sands.

Driven by the desire to secure a better future for generations to come, Shi embarked on an anti-desertification mission at a young age. "Combating desertification is for our descendants. We've endured the hardships of desertification too much; we cannot let our children suffer the same fate," he said.


File photo: Faced with the serious impact of sandstorms on local population, Shi Guangyin makes the firm decision to combat desertification. [Photo provided to]

In 1968, 16-year-old Shi was elected as the production team leader of Getatao village in Haiziliang commune. His first task was to mobilize the community in tree planting efforts, resulting in the successful cultivation of 14,000-mu trees in three years, the first green achievement in Haiziliang.


File photo: In the 1980s, Shi Guangyin (third from the left), wearing a headscarf, leads his fellow villagers in desert control efforts. [Photo provided to]

In 1984, encouraged by the policies supporting individual initiatives in combating desertification, Shi resigned from his position as farm manager—a stable government job that guaranteed a living that referred to as  an "iron rice bowl", relocated to the desert, and signed a contract with the local government to curb desertification and soil erosion on 3,000 mu of land, becoming the country's first farmer to undertake desert control efforts. Shi was convinced that without tackling desertification, poverty would persist; only by restoring the land and improving the environment could the root cause of poverty be addressed.

With the initial funding of 130,000 yuan ($18,200) for seedlings, which was painstakingly gathered by Shi and his six partner farmers, they planted drought-resistant willows and poplars on the contracted desert land. After a year of hard work and favorable rainfall, the survival rate of the saplings exceeded 85 percent. This initial success bolstered Shi's confidence.


File photo: In extremely harsh conditions, Shi Guangyin and his fellow villagers work hand in hand to plant trees in the sand dunes known as "Wolf's Lair". [Photo provided to]

In 1985, Shi boldly expanded his efforts by signing a contract with Changmaotan Forest Farm to control sand on 58,000-mu land. He set up a sand-control company and collaborated with 482 individuals from 127 households in neighboring areas.

However, the survival rate of the saplings was not as high as he had expected. Facing repeated failure, Shi made up his mind to learn new methods, and finally fixed the drifting sand in the third year.


File photo: By constructing sand-proof barriers and grass grids alongside trees, Shi Guangyin and his fellow villagers finally achieve success in their third attempt to control the sand dunes of the "Wolf's Lair". [Photo provided to]

Where trees thrived, drifting sands surrendered, and fertile farmlands, once buried under sand dunes, were reclaimed. Crop yields soared, farmers' incomes increased, and the region was transformed into a bountiful granary.

Shi's unwavering commitment to desert control and afforestation has seen desert land recede and lush land flourish, inspiring more people to join the cause of desert control. Today, nearly 80 percent of the Mu Us Desert in Yulin is covered in vegetation, soil erosion has been effectively prevented and the desert is likely to become China's first "vanished" desert.

Under the efforts of Shi and his community, 250,000 mu of barren land have been reclaimed over the past four decades. What was once a desert landscape now blooms with fertile fields, serving as a prosperous granary in the region, and the income of local residents has been increased too.

For Shi, desert control not only means to survive, it is also for development. He and his team have pioneered an integrated development model encompassing anti-desertification, sapling cultivation, livestock farming, and eco-tourism. They have also established over 10 economic entities such as a forest farm, a demonstration cattle ranch, a feed processing plant, a forestry training center, and a lake-themed tourist attraction. These initiatives have significantly boosted the average income of local farmers.

In 2018, Shi was elected as a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress, a testament to his dedication of serving the people. In the following five years, he proposed suggestions on forestry industry development, desertification control, and the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program, with a steadfast commitment to environmental improvement.


Local ecological environment continues to improve, transforming the once barren alkaline wasteland into a land of life. [Photo provided to]

Today, as a fifth-term deputy to Yulin Municipal People's Congress, Shi continues to work on the frontline of public service. He said that the mission of a deputy to the people's congress is to address the people's difficulties and deliver tangible results. His words brim with determination and vigor, showcasing his enduring dedication.


Shi Guangyin poses for a photo with the trees he planted. [Photo provided to]

Feng Tian contributed to this story.

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