Legacy of Shen Jilan lights up path for more deputies

Updated: 2024-07-22

Shen Jilan has been called many things: a lifelong farmer, a speaker for the people, China's longest-serving national lawmaker and a pioneer advocating gender equality.

As the only deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC) for 13 consecutive terms, from 1954 when it was established until her passing away in 2020, Shen had journeyed alongside the top legislature for 66 glorious years, witnessing the birth and growth of the system of the people's congresses and China's practice of whole-process people's democracy. 


The statue of Shen Jilan stands at the Model Worker Cultural Square in Pingshun county of Changzhi city in North China's Shanxi province. [Photo provided to npc.gov.cn]

In the Xigou Exhibition Hall located in Xigou village of Changzhi in North China's Shanxi province, there is an old photograph of Shen. In the image, she is adorned with two braided pigtails, cradling a heavy load of grain, her eyes brimming with the joy of a bountiful harvest. This historical moment captured in the photograph marks the beginning of Shen's story with Xigou, her hometown.

In 1951, Xigou village established its first agricultural production cooperative. As the deputy head of the cooperative, Shen's first move was to mobilize women to participate in labor.

To boost women's enthusiasm, she proposed equal pay for equal work between men and women, an initiative of epoch-making significance in China's drive to safeguard women's rights. Thanks to media coverage, she gained nationwide fame.

In 1954, at the age of 24, Shen was elected as a deputy to the inaugural NPC, carrying the aspirations of the entire village to Beijing for its first session.

From this session onwards, China's democratic political system, the people's congress system, was officially implemented.

"NPC deputies should speak for the people, work for the people and act for the people. As a rural deputy, I must genuinely reflect the immediate interests of rural folks," Shen often said.

Throughout her 66 years of service, Shen never strayed from the countryside, keeping the desires and hopes of farmers in her heart and diligently fulfilling her duties through motions and suggestions.

It is recorded that since becoming an NPC deputy, Shen had submitted over 420 motions and suggestions. From the first NPC session in 1954 to the third session of the 13th NPC in 2020, Shen observed the progression of democracy and development of the rule of law in China.

In June 2020, Shen passed away at the age of 91. Her ordinary yet distinctive image remains etched in people's memories and in the annals of China's history.

Shen embodied a solemn commitment, stating that "the people elected me to stand for them, and I serve as a deputy speaking for the people." Rooting herself deep in the countryside, she dedicated her life to the Party, the nation, the people, and her hometown, and became the sole deputy to serve 13 terms, a vivid example of the superiority of the people's congress system.


The Xigou Exhibition Hall in Xigou village of Changzhi in North China's Shanxi province preserves photos of Shen Jilan. [Photo provided to npc.gov.cn]

In 2019, Shen was awarded the nation's highest honor, Medal of the Republic, for her contributions to the country as the People's Republic of China celebrated the 70th anniversary of its founding. The Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial People's Congress called upon deputies to the people's congresses at all levels in the province to learn from Shen, integrating their original aspirations and missions into the performance of duty and fulfilling their new responsibilities through new commitments.

"I have heard many stories about Shen," said Cui Lizhi, an NPC deputy and general manager of Lilai Agri-Business and Technology Co Ltd in Zhangzi county of Shanxi province. "I am deeply moved by her steadfast ideals and beliefs, her dedication to serving the people, and her leadership in the arduous struggles of the local people. As a rural deputy myself, I will learn from her and become a good NPC deputy for the people," she said.

Zhang Yufei, a deputy to the Shanxi Provincial People's Congress and deputy director of a cultural relics office in Zhangzi county, gained a better understanding of Shen’s pursuit at a training session.“Shen has rooted herself in Xigou village for decades, forgoing better living conditions and treatment. Learning from her, I realized that in life, one must give up to gain. Cultural relics have long been intertwined with my life, and I am willing to contribute to the protection of cultural relics," he said.

On the 11th of every month, the Huaihai community of Luzhou district in Changzhi holds a reception for voters in its jurisdiction.

"Five days before the monthly reception day, we announce the schedule in our WeChat group and on community bulletin board, enabling voters in our jurisdiction to know which deputies will be receiving them, to facilitate targeted feedback and suggestions,”said Cui Yongming, secretary of the Huaihai community Party Committee. “We earnestly listen to and respond to every livelihood demand raised by the people."


On the 11th of every month, the Huaihai community of Luzhou district in Changzhi city, North China's Shanxi province, holds a reception for voters, listening to their concerns. [Photo provided to npc.gov.cn]

"Shen always prioritized the concerns of common people. Her unwavering commitment to her original aspirations and missions is something every deputy to the people's congresses should learn from. A deputy is like a 'lamp' in the hearts of the people, and fulfilling the duties of representation is not just about words but also actions. Only by effectively addressing the concerns of the people and bringing smiles to their faces can we truly fulfill our responsibilities as deputies," Cui noted.

At present, 136 standardized physical outreach offices of deputies have been established in 12 counties and districts in Changzhi, with 396 outreach stations at the sub-county level serving the people in villages and communities under the jurisdiction of townships. Over 9,100 deputies at various levels have been mixed into groups to ensure full coverage of all outreach offices.

In 2023, the outreach offices in Changzhi held a total of 3,513 online and offline activities and received 10,300 visits of deputies. Among the 5,342 opinions and suggestions collected, 4,408 have been resolved or implemented.

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