Top legislature ramps up efforts to protect intangible cultural heritage Updated: 2024-05-14

Top legislature is calling for a systematic approach to safeguarding and promoting the country's rich intangible cultural heritage.

He Wei, vice-chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, made the remarks following an inspection tour in Shandong province from Wednesday to Sunday. The visit aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Law.

"Living heritages are an essential part of China's traditional culture," He said. He emphasized that the inspection aligns with President Xi Jinping's directives on both cultural and legal matters, and fulfills a key objective laid out at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

He stressed the importance of strengthening legal protections for these cultural traditions while promoting their inheritance and utilization. Additionally, he urged local governments to provide more robust support for the law's full implementation.

The inspection team, led by He, visited various locations in Shandong, including exhibition halls, workshops, museums, cultural centers, libraries, and institutes dedicated to traditional arts and crafts. The team reviewed local initiatives in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and exchanged ideas with heritage bearers to understand their experiences in preserving and transmitting their skills.

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