Senior Chinese legislator visits Mozambique

Updated: 2023-11-23

At the invitation of the Mozambique parliament, Losang Jamcan, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress, led a delegation to Mozambique from Nov 18 to 21, during which he held meetings and discussions with Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi and President of the Assembly of the Republic of Mozambique Esperança Bias.

Losang said that in recent years, under the guidance of the leaders of the two countries, China-Mozambique relations have continued to develop rapidly. China values its traditional friendship with Mozambique and is ready to work for more results in China-Mozambique comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, based on the important consensus reached by the two heads of state and three major advantages of political mutual trust, economic complementarity, and friendly people-to-people exchanges, he added.

He briefed the Mozambican side on the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's ethnic policies, and the nation's economic and social development.

The Mozambican side expressed gratitude for China's long-term support and highly praised the significant changes brought about by the cooperation under frameworks such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. They expressed willingness to further strengthen exchanges between the legislative bodies of the two countries and to further collaborate in various fields to promote economic development and the well-being of the two peoples.

During his visit, Losang also inspected key cooperation projects such as the Mozambique-China Cultural Center and the Maputo-Katembe Bridge, and held discussions with representatives of China-funded institutions in Mozambique on development and security issues.

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