Senior Chinese legislator visits Ethiopia

Updated: 2023-11-22

At the invitation of the House of Peoples' Representatives of Ethiopia's Federal Parliamentary Assembly, Losang Jamcan, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress, led a delegation to Ethiopia from Nov 15 to 18, where he held talks with Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde, Speaker of the House of Peoples' Representatives Tagesse Chafo, and Speaker of the House of Federation Agengew Teshager.

Losang noted that the friendship between China and Ethiopia has a long history and remains steadfast. In recent years, under the guidance of the two heads of state, China-Ethiopia relations have maintained a strong momentum of development, especially as the two sides have elevated their bilateral ties to all-weather strategic partnership, opening a new chapter in the traditional friendship between the two countries, he added.

He said that China is willing to work together with Ethiopia to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, continuously enhance cooperation between legislative bodies, and contribute to the steady advancement of the China-Ethiopia all-weather strategic partnership.

He also introduced the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese path to modernization, China's ethnic policies and development achievements, as well as China's policies towards Africa.

The Ethiopian side spoke highly of the development of bilateral relations, and expressed gratitude for China's longstanding support for peace and development in the country, and said they hope to learn from China's development experience, and strengthen cooperation with China in various fields, so as to promote the traditional friendship between the two countries to new heights.

During his visit in Ethiopia, Losang also surveyed local Confucius Institutes and key cooperation projects, and held discussions with representatives of China-funded institutions in Ethiopia on development and security issues.

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