NPC deputy calls for more efforts toward China's large language models Updated: 2023-03-07


Liu Qingfeng, a deputy to the National People's Congress and also the chairman of Chinese artificial intelligence pioneer iFlytek. [Photo provided to]

More efforts are needed to speed up the construction of China's large language models so that more industries and individuals can better enjoy the dividends of artificial intelligence as soon as possible, said Liu Qingfeng, a deputy to the National People's Congress.

Liu, who is also the chairman of Chinese artificial intelligence pioneer iFlytek, said more importance should be attached to the research and development of cognitive intelligence large language models, building an innovative system with leading enterprises as the main body of industry-university cooperation, and accelerating steps to catch up with the international frontiers.

Now, many institutions and enterprises in China have released a series of large language models, but there is still a significant gap between them and ChatGPT, Liu said.

The R&D of ChatGPT-like applications is a systematic project with continuous evolution, featuring high importance and large investment, Liu added.

He also called for more push to promote the industrial application of large language models and other AI-generated content technologies in education, medical care, human-computer interaction and other sectors.

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