Law-based gov't advanced, social governance innovated over past 5 years: report

Xinhua Updated: 2023-03-05

BEIJING -- The Chinese government continued to perform its functions in accordance with the law and develop new ways of conducting governance and ensured social stability in the past five years, according to a government work report submitted Sunday to the national legislature for deliberation.

During the past five years, efforts were stepped up to develop a law-based government and ensure economic and social activities were carried out in compliance with the law, the report said.

"We in governments at all levels, in compliance with the law, subjected ourselves to the oversight of people's congresses and their standing committees at the corresponding level and readily submitted to the democratic oversight of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, public oversight, and oversight through public opinion," it said.

"We also strengthened oversight based on audits and statistics. We continued to make government affairs more transparent," it said.

New and better forms of social governance were developed, the report said.

"We advanced the modernization of urban social governance, improved primary-level governance, and provided better community services," it said.

The government tightened supervision over food, drugs, and vaccines and took a full range of measures to maintain law and order. It cracked down hard on illegal and criminal activities of all types and launched campaigns to combat organized crime.

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