Draft law on medical security listed in preparatory projects for legislature review

Updated: 2022-08-16

The medical security system plays an important role in advancing the Healthy China initiative and coping with an aging population. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) has listed the draft law on medical security as one of the preparatory projects to be reviewed on this year's legislative agenda.

China has established a basic medical security network covering the entire population, but the legal system for medical security is still at its primary stage, in need of a robust law as underpinning.

Against this background, the National Healthcare Security Administration published a draft law on medical security last June to solicit public opinion. The draft has eight chapters consisting of 70 articles, covering fundraising, fund management, medical services, supervision, responsibilities of stakeholders, and other issues.

Among recent developments, a motion submitted to the fifth session of the 13th NPC in March identified the lack of uniformity in the legal system for the medical security due to the isolated provisions existing in separate laws and regulations.

China should accelerate the establishment of a multi-layered medical security system with basic medical insurance as the mainstay, supported further by medical assistance, supplementary medical insurance, commercial health insurance, and charity aid programs, according to the motion.

The law should ensure universal coverage that benefits both urban and rural residents, feature clearly defined rights and responsibilities, and provide appropriate support for the balanced development and sustainable improvement of the medical security system, the motion said.

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