Efforts underway to accelerate Charity Law revision

Updated: 2022-07-18

Playing a valuable role in poverty alleviation and COVID-19 prevention and control, charity in China is faced with new challenges amid the rapid economic and social development, and there is an increasing call for revision to the Charity Law.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) inspected the enforcement of the law and suggested its amendment in due course in 2020. A motion submitted to the fifth session of the 13th NPC this March called for accelerating the revision process of the law.

The motion identified problems in the current statute, including gaps in the rule of law in internet-based charities, the emergency response system and information gathering and disclosure.

It proposed adding a special chapter on internet-based charities to clarify the statutory duties of fundraising platforms, as well as the conditions and obligations of individuals seeking help.

The revision should encourage professional social work and volunteer service, enhance the protection and policy support for charity organizations, define clearly the procedures to approve or abolish public fundraising credentials, according to the motion.

The amended law should be more consistent with other laws and add provisions on charitable fundraising for public health undertakings and natural disaster response, said the motion.


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