NPC team and meteorological agency discuss legislation on emergency response Updated: 2022-06-20

A research team led by Wang Ning, vice-chairman of the Constitution and Law Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), visited the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) on June 13 to discuss the early warning system in weather forecast and the draft revision to the Emergency Response Law.

Wang acknowledged the CMA's support for the legislation on emergency response and its contributions to disaster prevention and mitigation in the country. He said the revision to the law, which was included in the 2022 legislative plan of the NPC Standing Committee, will be vital to protect people's lives and property and safeguard public safety. Noting that early warning of meteorological disasters is of great significance for emergency response, Wang said the long-term and mature practices of the meteorological departments in this regard are valuable references for the legislation.

Zhuang Guotai, head of the CMA, said weather information is of great significance to people's lives as well as security of food, energy, transportation and logistics. He added the CMA will consolidate the first line of defense against meteorological disasters and support the legislative efforts in emergency response.

Before the meeting, the team visited departments of the CMA to learn about the development of meteorological satellites and how weather forecast and early warning information is generated and issued. The National Early Warning Center has issued more than 149,000 hazard alerts and warnings this year, providing considerable support for emergency management and disaster prevention and mitigation.

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