Draft revision to sports law integrates health and fitness endeavors

chinadaily.com.cn Updated: 2022-06-20

The revised Law on Physical Culture and Sports will promote the deep integration of health-for-all and fitness-for-all initiatives in China, said Yang Heqing, spokesperson for the Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, at a press conference on June 16.

He said the revision calls for building a public service system for the fitness-for-all initiative and requires regional governments at all levels and relevant departments to prepare the necessary conditions for sports activities. People's governments at or above the county level should regularly evaluate the initiative's implementation and make the evaluation report accessible to the public, according to the draft.

The draft revision will be reviewed for the third time during the upcoming session of the NPC Standing Committee, following the previous two in October 2021 and this April.

After receiving 1,503 suggestions from 947 individuals and a letter from the public on the second draft, the third draft includes changes stressing the undertakings of physical culture and sports under the leadership of the Communist Party of China in the General Provisions part, and makes stipulations on youth and school sports, competitive sports, and on enhancing the sports arbitration system, according to Yang.

He said the new amendments also clarify the duties of organizers to ensure safety and security of events, and that appropriate measures can be taken when China's sovereignty, security and development interests are harmed in international sports events.

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