Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Strengthening the Oversight of Economic Work

Updated: 2021-12-24

Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Strengthening the Oversight of Economic Work

(Adopted at the 14th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on March 1, 2000; and revised at the 32nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on December 24, 2021)


In order to better perform the duties assigned to the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee by the Constitution and the law, implement the decisions and plans of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, strengthen the oversight of economic work, make oversight more effective, promote high-quality development, and modernize China's system and capacity for governance, it is decided as follows based on practical experience:

1. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall exercise oversight of the economic work of the State Council in accordance with the law. The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees of the National People's Congress shall, under the leadership of the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee, undertake specific work, in which the State Council and its relevant departments shall provide assistance and cooperation.

2. In its economic oversight, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, commit to a people-centered approach, stick to and improve the basic socialist economic system, and see to it that the market plays a decisive role in resource allocation and that the government plays a better role. Based on the new stage of development, the Standing Committee shall implement the new development philosophy, build a new development pattern, and promote high-quality development in relevant work.

3. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the National People's Congress, the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress shall, in collaboration with other relevant special committees, conduct a preliminary review of an annual plan for national economic and social development, form preliminary review opinions and submit them to the competent department of the State Council 45 days before a session of the National People's Congress. The competent department of the State Council shall provide timely feedback on its handling to the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee.

During the preliminary review by the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress, other relevant special committees may carry out targeted reviews, make targeted review opinions and refer them to the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee for handling.

4. For a preliminary review of an annual plan for national economic and social development, the competent department of the State Council shall submit the following materials:

(1) reports on the implementation of the plan for national economic and social development in the previous year and the draft plan for national economic and social development in the current year, including the completion of the main objectives and tasks of the plan for national economic and social development in the previous year, the implementation of resolutions of the National People's Congress, as well as a clarification and explanation of the basis and considerations for the preparation of the main objectives, tasks and corresponding major policies and measures of the current year's plan for national economic and social development;

(2) a preliminary draft plan for national economic and social development in the current year;

(3) an explanation about the implementation of the investment plan in the central budget of the previous year and the arrangements of the investment plan in the central budget of the current year; and

(4) other materials required for the preliminary review.

5. The preliminary review of an annual plan for national economic and social development shall focus on the implementation of the previous year's plan for national economic and social development, especially regarding the main objectives and tasks defined therein; the compliance of the guiding principles for the preparation of the current year's plan for national economic and social development with the decisions and plans of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the guiding principles from the Central Economic Work Conference, and the outlines for the five-year plan for national economic and social development and the medium- and long-range plan; the compatibility of the main objectives, key tasks and major projects with the conditions for economic and social development, in particular, the financial capacity and the carrying capacity of the resources and the environment, the conformity of the main objectives, key tasks and projects with the basic requirements for the implementation of the outline for the five-year plan, and whether they are conducive to long-term healthy economic and social development; and the consistency of the main policy orientation and measures with the requirements for improving institutions and mechanisms and law-based administration, whether they are goal-oriented, problem-oriented, targeted and practical, and the compatibility of the fiscal and monetary policies with the main objectives.

6. The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress shall submit to the Presidium of the National People's Congress a review report on the implementation of the previous year’s plan for national economic and social development and on the current year’s draft plan for national economic and social development. The review report shall include the following:

 (1) an overall assessment of the implementation of the previous year’s plan for national economic and social development, and the main issues requiring attention;

(2) an evaluation of the feasibility of the report on the current year's plan for national economic and social development and of the draft plan for national economic and social development, and comments and recommendations on the implementation of the current year's plan for national economic and social development; and

(3) recommendations on the approval of the report on the annual plan for national economic and social development and the draft plan for national economic and social development at a National People's Congress session.

7. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall strengthen its oversight of the implementation of the annual plan for national economic and social development approved by the National People's Congress.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall, in August of each year, listen to and deliberate on the report of the State Council on the implementation of the plan for national economic and social development in the previous phase of the current year. The deliberation opinions of the component members of the Standing Committee shall be referred to the State Council for handling, and the State Council shall submit a written report on the handling to the Standing Committee. The report on the implementation of the annual plan for national economic and social development, the deliberation opinions of the component members of the Standing Committee and the handling of the deliberation opinions by the State Council shall be communicated to the deputies to the National People's Congress and announced to the public.

The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress shall make preparations in light of the analysis of the economic situation in the first half of the year and submit an analysis report to the Standing Committee.

8. The oversight of the implementation of an annual plan for national economic and social development shall focus on: whether the annual national economic and social development plan is implemented in accordance with the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the guiding principles from the Central Economic Work Conference, whether the plan meets the requirements of resolutions made by the National People's Congress, and whether the plan fulfills the objectives and tasks defined in the government work report; whether the fulfillment of the main objectives, especially the obligatory targets, and the progress of the key tasks and major projects conform to the schedule of the annual plan for national economic and social development; and whether the report on the implementation of the plan for national economic and social development makes an in-depth analysis of the main difficulties and problems and their causes, clarifies and explains why the expected progress has not been made in accomplishing targets and tasks and puts forward targeted and practical policies and measures to promote the successful completion of the said annual plan for national economic and social development.

9. The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress holds quarterly meetings in mid-April, mid-July and mid-October of each year to analyze the economic situation and listen to the reports of the relevant departments of the State Council on the performance of China's economy in the first quarter, the first half of the year and the first three quarters of the year, conducts analysis and research, reports the analysis of the economic performance and the comments and suggestions made at the meeting to the Council of Chairpersons, and send them, in the form of minutes and briefings, to the General Office and other relevant departments of the State Council and the general offices of the standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

10. The provisions of Articles 3 and 6 of this Decision shall be applied mutatis mutandis to the preliminary review and the review of draft five-year plans and draft medium- and long-range plans for national economic and social development.

In the year before a draft five-year plan and a draft medium- and long-range plan for national economic and social development are submitted for the review and approval of the National People's Congress, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall carry out investigation and research on specific subjects concerning the preparation of the five-year plan and the medium- and long-range plan, listen to reports on such investigation and research and send them to relevant authorities for reference, so as to make preparations for the National People's Congress's review and approval.

The General Office of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress shall undertake specific organizational work, prepare an investigation and research plan, coordinate other relevant special committees and the Standing Committee's working bodies to conduct investigation and research on specific subjects and collate research results.

11. For a preliminary review of a five-year plan and a medium- and long-range plan, the competent department of the State Council shall submit the following materials:

(1) the draft five-year plan and the draft medium- and long-range plan;

(2) the statement on the draft five-year plan and the draft medium- and long-range plan and on how they were prepared, including a clarification and explanation of the completion of the main objectives and tasks of the previous five-year plan, the implementation of resolutions of the National People's Congress, as well as the basis and considerations for the preparation of the main objectives and key tasks of the current five-year plan;

(3) arrangements on major projects; and

(4) other materials required for the preliminary review.

12. A preliminary review of a draft five-year plan and a draft medium- and long-range plan shall focus on: the implementation of the previous five-year plan; whether the guiding principle for the preparation of the current five-year plan is in line with the guiding principles from the recommendations of the CPC Central Committee on the five-year plan and whether the five-year plan can serve as the blueprint and action program for the development in the next five years; whether the main objectives, key tasks and major projects are in line with China's national conditions and stage of development, are in line with the economic and social development laws, and with China's strategic goals for medium- and long-term development, and are both necessary and feasible; and whether the main policy orientation is in line with the Party's basic theory, basic line and basic policy and is both targeted and practical.

13. The State Council shall strengthen the dynamic monitoring, mid-term evaluation and review and evaluation of the implementation of five-year plans. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall strengthen the oversight of the implementation of five-year plans.

The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees of the National People's Congress shall exercise targeted oversight of the implementation of five-year plans to promote their smooth implementation under the leadership of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee.

The competent departments of the State Council shall send dynamic monitoring materials on the implementation of five-year plans to the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress.

14. In the mid-term stage of the implementation of a five-year plan, the State Council shall submit the mid-term evaluation report on the implementation of the five-year plan to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation. The deliberation opinions of the component members of the Standing Committee shall be referred to the State Council for handling and the State Council shall submit a written report on its handling to the Standing Committee. The mid-term evaluation report on the implementation of the five-year plan, the deliberation opinions of the component members of the Standing Committee and the State Council's handling of the deliberation opinions shall be communicated to deputies to the National People's Congress and announced to the public. The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee shall, in conjunction with other relevant special committees, conduct investigation and research on specific subjects and submit an investigation and research report to the Standing Committee.

The oversight of the mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the five-year plan shall focus on the following: whether the implementation of the five-year plan is in line with the guiding principles from the recommendations of the CPC Central Committee and meets the requirements of resolutions of the National People's Congress; whether the completion of the main objectives, especially the completion of the obligatory targets and the progress of key tasks and major projects are in line with the schedule for the five-year plan; and whether the mid-term evaluation report on the implementation of the five-year plan makes an in-depth analysis of the main difficulties and problems and their causes, clarifies and explains why the expected progress has not been made in accomplishing targets and tasks, and puts forward targeted and practical policies and measures to promote the successful completion of the said five-year plan.

15. The State Council shall review and evaluate the implementation of the previous five-year plan, prepare a review and evaluation report, and distribute it at the session of the National People's Congress along with the draft five-year plan that has been reviewed and approved by the National People's Congress. The review and evaluation report on the five-year plan shall include the following:

(1) the completion of the main targets;

(2) the implementation of key tasks;

(3) the implementation of major projects;

(4) the major difficulties and problems; and

(5) relevant opinions and suggestions.

16. Where any of the following circumstances occurs in the course of the implementation of an annual plan or a five-year plan for national economic and social development approved by the National People's Congress, adjustments may be made:

(1) the macro-regulatory policy orientation and the main objectives and key tasks must be adjusted due to significant changes in the domestic and international economic situation;

(2) the country's significant natural disasters, major public security incidents of an overall nature, entering into a state of emergency, etc., making it impossible to implement or fulfill the annual plan and the five-year plan for economic and social development as usual; and

(3) other special circumstances that make it impossible to implement or fulfill the annual plan and the five-year plan for economic and social development as usual.

17. Where partial adjustments are needed during the implementation of an annual plan or five-year plan for economic and social development approved by the National People's Congress, the State Council shall submit the adjustment plan to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for review and approval. The adjustment plan for an annual plan for economic and social development shall generally be submitted no later than the end of the third quarter of the year; that for a five-year plan shall generally be submitted no later than the end of the second quarter of the fourth year of its implementation. Except under special circumstances, the State Council shall submit an adjustment plan to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress at least 30 days before a meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.

Except under special circumstances, the competent department of the State Council shall send an adjustment plan of the State Council to the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress for preliminary review at least 45 days before the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress meets. The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee shall submit a report on the review results to the Standing Committee.

The adjustment plan approved by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for an annual plan or five-year plan for national economic and social development shall be reported to the next session of the National People's Congress.

18. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall strengthen oversight based on the center and overall situation of the economic work of the Party and the state, focusing on efforts to deepen economic reform, improve the business environment, strengthen scientific and technological innovation, promote coordinated regional development, adhere to green and low-carbon development, safeguard and improve people's livelihoods, promote common prosperity, advance a high level of opening up and maintain China's economic security. When necessary, the Standing Committee may listen to and deliberate on special work reports of the State Council, conduct questioning about specific issues or make resolutions.

The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees of the National People's Congress and the relevant working bodies of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall do the relevant work under the leadership of the Standing Committee to urge the relevant departments of the State Council to do a better job.

19. The State Council shall, in accordance with the law, report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on major policies concerning China's overall national economic and social development and concerning the vital interests of the people before their promulgation.

Under any of the following circumstances, the State Council or its relevant departments shall report to the Standing Committee or the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees of the National People's Congress and make explanations:

(1) where major adjustments must be made to the orientation of macro-regulatory policies due to major changes in the international economic situation or domestic economic operations;

(2) before the introduction of major economic structural reform or opening up programs that involve China's economy and the people's livelihoods, China's economic security or the people's vital interests;

(3) after a major natural disaster or a major event causing serious losses to state property, collective property or the lives and property of the people; or

(4) other major economic matters that need to be reported to the Standing Committee or the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees of the National People's Congress.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress may, as deemed necessary, make a decision or resolution in accordance with the law, and may also refer the opinions and suggestions put forward at discussions to the State Council and its relevant departments for handling.

20. The State Council may submit proposals to the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee for deliberation and decision on significant state construction projects that involve a wide range of areas, have far-reaching impacts and require huge investment.

According to the plan of the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee, the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee shall conduct, in conjunction with other relevant special committees, a preliminary review of the proposals referred to in the preceding paragraph, and submit a review report to the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee.

21. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall, when necessary, listen to the report on the work of the State Council concerning major projects identified in an annual plan or five-year plan for national economic and social development and the significant state construction projects mentioned in Article 20 of this Decision, and may, when deemed necessary, adopt resolutions.

In accordance with the plan of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress, together with other relevant special committees and the relevant working bodies of the Standing Committee, may carry out investigation and research on specific subjects about the implementation of the projects mentioned in the preceding paragraph and submit reports on investigation and research on specific subjects to the Standing Committee.

The competent departments of the State Council shall provide the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress with relevant materials on the implementation of the central budgetary investment plan every six months.

22. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall strengthen the oversight of financial work. The State Council shall report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in October each year on the following:

(1) the implementation of the monetary policy;

(2) the operation of the financial sector and supervision and regulation work;

(3) the financial sector's support for the real economy;

(4) financial reform and opening up; and

(5) the prevention and mitigation of financial risks and hidden dangers.

The competent departments of the State Council shall provide monthly, quarterly and annual data on the performance of the financial sector and related materials to the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress in a timely manner to cooperate with and support the tracking and oversight work.

23. Where a treaty or agreement relating to the economy is concluded with a foreign country or an international organization that, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Procedure of the Conclusion of Treaties shall be ratified or acceded to by decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the State Council shall submit a proposal to the Standing Committee for deliberation and decision. In accordance with the rules of procedure of the Standing Committee, the proposal may be submitted to the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation opinions.

The amendment, abrogation or withdrawal of the abovementioned treaties and agreements shall be subject to the procedures in which they were concluded.

24. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall strengthen oversight of the economic work of the State Council and its relevant departments through listening to and deliberating on special work reports, law implementation inspections, questions and inquiries, investigation into specific issues, investigation and research on specific subjects, and other means.

According to the arrangement of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees may hold meetings to listen to reports on specific subjects by relevant departments of the State Council.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees may use the results of audit oversight, financial and accounting oversight and statistical oversight, engage research institutions and experts and scholars, commission third-party assessments, use big data technology, etc., to improve the effectiveness of oversight of economic work.

25. With respect to the resolutions, decisions and deliberation opinions made by the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee in the course of economic oversight, the Standing Committee shall strengthen follow-up oversight, urge the State Council and its relevant departments to implement the resolutions and decisions, handle the opinions and suggestions and provide timely feedback. When the Standing Committee deems it necessary, it may listen to and deliberate on the special work report of the State Council in light of the relevant circumstances. The State Council shall, within the prescribed time limit, report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the implementation of the decisions and resolutions or on the handling of the deliberation opinions. The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee shall undertake the specific work of follow-up oversight.

For the non-implementation of the decisions and resolutions or ineffective implementation of them resulting in serious consequences, the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee may strengthen oversight through questioning about specific issues, inquiries, investigations and research on specific subjects and other means.

26. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall report to the National People's Congress on the exercise of its functions and powers of oversight of economic work and accept its oversight. The opinions and suggestions put forward by the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees of the National People's Congress shall be reported to the Council of Chairpersons, which shall decide whether to approve and refer them to the State Council and its relevant departments for handling and shall report the results to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

27. In conducting oversight of economic work, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall give full play to the role of the deputies to the National People's Congress, listen to their opinions and suggestions, respond to their concerns, and support deputies in performing their duties in accordance with the law.

The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees of the National People's Congress shall establish a sound working mechanism for engagement with deputies to the National People's Congress in economic oversight work. The opinions and suggestions of these deputies shall be listened to in determining what to oversee and in carrying out oversight work. The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees of the National People's Congress shall organize investigation and research on specific subjects in economic and social development that were raised in deputies' opinions and suggestions and are of general concern to deputies.

When conducting a preliminary review of a draft annual plan or a draft five-year plan for national economic and social development, the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress shall invite deputies to the National People's Congress to participate. Deputies in relevant sectors may, according to needs, be invited to participate in the oversight of other matters listed in this Decision.

Information concerning the exercise of economic oversight shall be, in a timely manner, communicated to deputies to the National People's Congress through bodies in charge of deputies affairs, and relevant materials shall be sent to deputies to the National People's Congress in a timely manner.

28. When the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress listens to, deliberates on and discusses the matters listed in this Decision, the State Council and its relevant departments shall, upon request, provide timely relevant information and materials as well as explanations, and send leaders of the State Council or its relevant departments to the meetings to report on the situation, listen to comments and answer questions.

When the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees of the National People's Congress listen to, deliberate on and discuss the matters listed in this Decision, relevant departments under the State Council shall, upon request, provide relevant information and materials as well as explanations in a timely manner, and send their leaders to the meetings to report on the situation, listen to opinions and answer questions.

At the request of the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees of the National People's Congress, the relevant departments of the State Council shall provide data and relevant materials on national economic and social development on a regular basis through the national e-government network and other means.

29. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall, except as otherwise provided for by law, make its oversight of economic work open to the public.

This Decision shall come into force on the date of promulgation.

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