Chinese ambassador introduces "two sessions" in British parliament

Xinhua Updated: 2019-04-03

LONDON -- Chinese Ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming on Monday gave a briefing on China's "two sessions" in the British parliament, sharing his views with British parliamentarians on the "two sessions" and China's future development.

Attending the briefing at the invitation of the British All Party Parliamentary China Group, Liu said the "two sessions" refer to the annual meetings of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

The Chinese ambassador highlighted China's economic prospects in his speech, saying that China's economy continues to perform strongly and its growth continues to demonstrate higher efficiency. He also believed that China will continue to increase its contributions to the global economy.

"In 2018, China's economy contributed close to 30 percent of world economic growth and continued to be the 'main engine' of world economic growth after more than ten years in a row," he said.

Recalling the year 2018 which marked the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up, Liu admitted China's economic growth now faces increasingly severe challenges.

"Against these challenges, the 'two sessions' send a clear message again that China will stay committed to the basic policy of reform and opening-up," he said.

As part of China's endeavors to strengthen its reforms and open up more to the world, Liu said that China will tackle the most difficult issues in the key areas of reform, tackle external challenges by improving its opening-up layout and make vigorous efforts to increase the level of opening-up.

Commenting on the direction of China's foreign policy, the top Chinese diplomat said China will work to build a community with a shared future for mankind, pursue peaceful development through win-win cooperation, uphold fairness and justice, and take the lead in the reform of the global governance system.

Liu said the year 2019 is of special significance to both China and Britain as it is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, as well as the 65th anniversary of the establishment of China-Britain diplomatic relations at the level of charge d'affaires.

"In face of the profound changes in the world unseen in a century, China stands ready to work with the UK (the United Kingdom) to build up consensus, enhance mutual trust and expand cooperation," he said.

"Together we will create a brighter future for the China-UK 'Golden Era,'" he said.

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