Candidates for premier, other leaders finalized for voting

Xinhua Updated: 2018-03-18

BEIJING -- Candidates for the premier and some other Chinese leaders and legislators were finalized Saturday afternoon.

At its seventh meeting on Saturday noon, the presidium of the first session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) decided on primary candidates list for the premier, vice chairpersons and members of the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the People's Republic of China, director of the national supervisory commission, the chief justice, the procurator-general, and members of the 13th NPC Standing Committee.

The list was distributed to all delegations for discussion after the meeting.

At its eighth meeting Saturday afternoon, the presidium decided by voting the final candidates for these leaders and legislators.

On Sunday, nearly 3,000 NPC deputies will vote to decide on appointment of the premier and CMC vice chairpersons. They will also vote to elect the rest.

Both presidium meetings were presided over by Li Zhanshu, the presidium's executive chairman.

The candidates for premier and CMC vice-chairpersons and members were nominated by newly-elected President and CMC Chairman Xi Jinping.

The candidates for the director of the national supervisory commission, the chief justice, the procurator-general, and members of the 13th NPC Standing Committee were proposed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

The presidium also decided to distribute a proposed final version of the draft supervision law to all delegations for deliberation.

Between the two presidium meetings, executive chairpersons held their sixth meeting, also chaired by Li.

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