
'Fish-Release Day' activity promotes aquatic ecosystem protection in Yinchuan

By Hu Dongmei | seeningxia.com | Updated: June 14, 2024

On June 6, the 2024 national "Fish-Release Day" activity was held in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region.

Aiming to further enhance the conservation of aquatic resources and raise public awareness of the protection of aquatic ecosystems, organizers of this event released 200,000 Yellow River catfish, red-eyed trout, and other fish species into the Yellow River Basin. It also marked the beginning of Yinchuan's efforts to increase the breeding and release of aquatic resources.


200,000 Yellow River catfish, red-eyed trout, and other fish species are released into the Yellow River Basin in Yinchuan, Ningxia.


200,000 Yellow River catfish, red-eyed trout, and other fish species are released into the Yellow River Basin in Yinchuan, Ningxia.

With the joint efforts of Yinchuan Culture and Tourism Group and local wetland parks, this event further facilitates the healthy development of the ecosystem in the Yellow River Basin, laying a solid foundation for safeguarding aquatic biodiversity and ecological balance, and effectively ensuring the normal functioning of the Yellow River's ecosystem.