
Yinchuan to build digital service platform for wine industry

By Hu Dongmei | seeningxia.com | Updated: December 07, 2022

On December 5, the Yinchuan Wine Industry Development Service Center announced that Yinchuan plans to build a digital service platform for the wine industry.


The wine producing area in Yinchuan [Photo provided to seeningxia.com]

In the early stages of the project, the Yinchuan Wine Industry Development Service Center will learn about the needs of wineries (enterprises) through a large number of surveys, and complete the demand analysis of the Yinchuan wine industry digital service platform.

With the support of the Internet, the Internet of Things, visualization and other modern information technologies, the platform will realize the digitalization of wine production management, brand marketing and industry supervision, and finally achieve the goal of " industrialization and digitalization", promoting the transformation of the development mode and high-quality development of Yinchuan's wine industry, improving the brand influence in an all-round way, and helping to improve the comprehensive benefits of the wine industry.


A wine industry meeting in Yinchuan [Photo provided to seeningxia.com]

The comprehensive and systematic wine digital service platform contains the data information on the whole industrial chain, such as grape planting, brewing and sales. It not only provides support for policy decisions, but also gathers information on the climate, environment and other conditions of wine producing areas in real time, so as to achieve the collection, management, sharing, exchange and processing of data, and support the planning, prediction and decision-making analysis of wine producing areas.

Relying on the digital service platform, the system can automatically collect and analyze the area of grape planting bases, grape yields, sales and other conditions of wineries, and form a chart to provide support for decision-making analysis. The marketing management system of the platform will rely on the in-depth analysis of enterprise status, product characteristics and industry characteristics of business platforms, such as JD and Tiktok, to provide personalized online marketing solutions for wineries (enterprises).

At the same time, the platform will establish a credit file of wineries (enterprises), improve the credit evaluation mechanism, effectively collect and share credit information, and enable wineries with good credit to obtain financial and policy support.