
Ningxia to build demonstration area for the protection of geographical indication products of wine

By Hu Dongmei | seeningxia.com | Updated: October 28, 2022

On Oct 26, the demonstration area for the protection of geographical indications of wine at the eastern foothills of the Helan Mountains, which was declared by the People's Government of Yinchuan, was approved by the China National Intellectual Property Administration to start construction. It is the only national demonstration area for the protection of geographical indication products in Ningxia in 2022.

A demonstration area is a protected area that safeguards geographical indication products recognized by the China National Intellectual Property Administration, has a large industrial scale, significant social and economic benefits, a standardized management system and complete mechanism, and distinctive product characteristics, and plays the role of promoting geographical indication products. The approval of the construction of the demonstration area marks a breakthrough in building a geographical indication brand of wine at the eastern foothills of the Helan Mountains, further promoting the brand's value and expanding the market of Ningxia wines.


The vineyard in Ningxia [Photo provided to seeningxia.com]

In recent years, utilizing the advantages of the core wine production area of the Helan Mountains, Yinchuan has included the wine industry as part of its six local major industries to strengthen and promote the cultivation, protection and supervision of geographical indication products. Taking "Helan Mountain Eastern Foothill Wine" as a starting point for implementing the rural revitalization strategy and helping to overcome poverty, Ningxia has strengthened the publicity and promotion of wine products, carried out special training and observation studies, further optimized the business environment, and promoted the continuous improvement of the brand's influence.

In November 2020, the new policy of geographical indication products was launched, attracting an increasing number of wineries to make their applications. Up to now, among the 66 wineries that have been built in Yinchuan, enterprises that have registered and used their own trademarks have achieved full coverage, and 40 of them have been approved to use geographical indications, accounting for 70% of the wineries approved to use special geographical indications in the region. In 2021, Helan Mountain eastern foothill wine was selected into the first 100 geographical indication products in China. This year, its brand value rose to 30.11 billion yuan (about $4.2 billion), ranking ninth in the national regional brand list.