
Chema's 15-year journey in Ningbo

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated:  May 29, 2024 L M S

[Video/Ningbo Daily]

Jose Manuel Martinez Gonzalez, alias Chema, a Spanish native with over 15 years of foreign trade experience in Ningbo, has become a fixture in the city, calling it his second home.

Chema, who works for Ningbo Vinon Import and Export Co Ltd, has left an indelible mark on the city through his dedication to research and development, sales, and international client relations.

"I really enjoy doing R&D and sales here. I even help the company secure orders overseas," Chema said in an interview. 

His fluency in Spanish, English, French, and other languages, coupled with his lifestyle habits, outgoing personality, and vast work experience, have enabled him to excel in building relationships with international clients.

Recently, Chema and his team embarked on a challenging journey to Germany. Within a week, they traveled over 2,000 kilometers, meeting numerous clients.

"Finally, we managed to get an order worth $4 million," he said.

Beyond being a skilled "order hunter", Chema is also a cultural ambassador. He seizes every opportunity to showcase the charm of Ningbo to overseas clients, from the magnificent Ningbo Zhoushan Port to local cuisine and Ningbo's pivotal role in international trade.

Chema's story serves as a strong example of cultural exchange between Ningbo and the world.

Watch the video to learn more about his story.
