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Cambridge, Ningbo to jointly build research institute for high-end equipment

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated:  December 15, 2017 L M S


A signing ceremony for a cooperation agreement between the University of Cambridge and Ningbo is held on Dec 14. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]

Ningbo, Zhejiang province, reached a cooperation agreement with the University of Cambridge, one of the world's most renowned colleges, on Dec 14. The agreement will establish a high-end equipment industry research institute in Ningbo's Beilun district.

Cambridge's first cooperation platform in the Chinese mainland, the institute will focus on improving Ningbo's manufacturing capabilities, especially in the areas of high-end and intelligent equipment manufacturing. It is expected to promote a cooperative industry-university research chain by applying Cambridge's scientific and technological resources to Ningbo's development.

Working with Cambridge's Judge Business School, the institute will arrange for research teams to participate in the production of high-end equipment in Ningbo. Premiere scientific and technological findings from Cambridge will also be applied.

Ningbo's Beilun district specializes in intelligent manufacturing. An increasingly complete industrial chain is being established, which, along with the arrival of a few significant high-tech companies, has helped form a comprehensive industry cluster in Beilun.

According to the district's plan, it will host at least 100 leading intelligent manufacturing enterprises by 2021.

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