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Industry boosts urban development in Yangkou Port

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: September 1, 2023 L M S

Since 2007, with the continuous development of the Yangkou Port Economic Development Zone in Rudong county, Nantong, Jiangsu province, a series of major projects have been implemented, resulting in a significant influx of people.

To accommodate this growth, various infrastructure projects, public services, and environmental improvements have been initiated, gradually transforming Yangkou Port into a modern town with a population of 30,000.

The Yangkou Port New City primarily serves the needs of enterprises located in the port area and the industrial zone, offering a range of residential, shopping, leisure, and entertainment services.

After years of planning and development, 15 residential communities have been completed, along with comprehensive commercial buildings, schools, and bus terminals. These facilities cater to the basic daily needs of residents.

The new city's core area, since its inception in 2010, has evolved into a bustling hub. The addition of large supermarkets, boutique hotels, office buildings, cinemas, restaurants, and apartments has not only improved the quality of life for existing residents but also provided high-quality services to newcomers.

In 2014, the Yangkou Port Economic Development Zone's administrative committee invested 300 million yuan ($41.32 million) in the establishment of the first nine-year school in Rudong. Covering an area of 9 hectares, the school can accommodate over 3,000 students and boasts top-notch facilities such as a 24-hour heated swimming pool, a smart sports arena, a 200-meter-long sports field, and a 400-meter standard track.

Over the past six years, around 30 percent of students admitted to the school have been children of migrant workers. The provision of high-quality education has been instrumental in attracting and retaining talent in Yangkou Port.

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