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Chongchuan, Fuzhou to deepen cooperation in modern service sectors

en.nantong.gov.cn| May 30, 2023

A promotional event for the modern service industry in Chongchuan was held in Fuzhou, Fujian province, on May 26, with the aim of attracting investment from the province.

The event was attended representatives of 100 enterprises from Fuzhou, Xiamen, and Quanzhou.

Yang Wanping, head of Chongchuan, pointed out at the event that the district, as the central downtown area of the city, has gathered a large number of resources and is highly friendly to business.

Both Fuzhou and Nantong were included in the first 14 coastal cities in China to be opened to the outside world, Liu said, adding that the two sides have strong prospects for cooperation in the service industry.

During the event, 24 enterprises engaged in science and technology services, modern commerce and trade, and software and information technology services signed cooperation agreements with Chongchuan.


A signing ceremony is held during the promotional event. [Photo/WeChat account: chongchuanonline]