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Tongzhou environmental protection efforts boost air quality


Updated: 2024-07-29

Tongzhou district in Nantong, Jiangsu province, recently ranked second in the province for air quality with an index of 2.41 in June.

The positive outcome in air quality was achieved through Tongzhou's dedication to environmental protection.

In recent years, Tongzhou has implemented 64 comprehensive projects to improve air quality, including adjusting industrial structures, using cleaner materials, and upgrading pollution control facilities. Progress has been made on key projects, with 63 of them already completed.

To address industries with high pollution levels, Tongzhou has introduced targeted pollution control measures. For example, in the foundry industry, Tongzhou conducted a comprehensive survey of 82 foundry enterprises in the region to monitor their environmental practices. For companies with serious pollution issues or frequent complaints, stricter measures have been implemented.

Furthermore, Tongzhou is carrying out a special campaign to tackle air pollution in the automotive repair industry. Businesses involved in car maintenance that emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are being targeted for improved pollution control measures. Efforts are being made to switch to water-based coatings in 4S shops and large automotive repair facilities, along with providing incentives and guidance to promote green and high-quality development in the automotive repair sector.

Tongzhou is also actively assisting companies in applying for funding to upgrade environmental facilities. For example, Jiangsu Hongde Special Parts Co secured 3.42 million yuan ($472,637) in special funds for air pollution prevention, while Nantong Jizhong Port Machinery Manufacturing Co Ltd received 678,000 yuan in VOCs comprehensive funding support.


The excellent environment of Tongzhou district. [Photo/WeChat account: wxtzfb]