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Students in Rudong cultivate space seeds in hands-on science project


Updated: 2024-07-23


Students from Jiefang Road Primary School in Rudong learn to grow vegetables at a greenhouse. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

Earlier this year, Jiefang Road Primary School in Rudong county, Nantong received over 4,000 space seeds from Beijing's "Space Dream" Youth Science Studio. Guided by agricultural experts, the students planted the seeds of eight crops, including tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, and pumpkins, in a greenhouse.

After sowing, the students meticulously managed the crops. For example, they developed a tailored cultivation plan for the pole beans. In April, they built a trellis with bamboo to support the beans as they grow, and by May, they were pruning the branches.

By late April, the students transferred over a hundred space vegetable seedlings, along with conventional ones, into the school garden. Most of the space seeds were moved to a planting base outside the campus.

The school invited six vegetable experts to mentor the students. These experts provided ongoing guidance, sharing agricultural techniques and resolving issues encountered during the process.

This hands-on experience not only enriched the students' practical skills but also inspired them to get creative. The students wrote about their experiences, enhancing their writing abilities. Mathematics lessons included tasks such as counting leaves, measuring garden areas, and calculating planting density. Art classes involved drawing and crafting to document the planting process, while science lessons focused on observing plant characteristics like leaf color and plant height.

Some of the harvested vegetables were used for charity sales and cooking activities, while others were donated to local elderly care facilities. This project has fostered a deep appreciation for agriculture and science among the students, seamlessly blending educational and community service elements.