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International media impressed by economic, cultural highlights of Qidong


Updated: 2024-06-03


International journalists visit Jiangsu Dongcheng Power Tools Co Ltd in Qidong. [Photo/WeChat account: qidongfabu]

On May 31, Qidong in Nantong, Jiangsu hosted journalists and photographers from 29 leading international media outlets, including Argentine State News Agency and Tajikistan news agency Avesta.

During their visit to Jiangsu Dongcheng Power Tools, a reporter from the Dominican Republic expressed surprise at the scale of the enterprise. "I just tried their products and found them very light and easy to use," said the journalist. "I initially thought it was a small company, but it turns out to be a world-class enterprise. I hope to bring these great products to my country through this event."

At Lyusi Port in Qidong, Oscar Alberto Morales Avendano, a reporter and TV host from Nicaragua, highlighted the port's role in global shipping and its integration of artificial intelligence with port operations, showcasing the future of port development.

At Qitang City, a Tang Dynasty (618-907) themed amusement park, a Russian commentator marveled at the architecture and sights. She donned traditional Chinese attire and wandered through the Tang-style buildings, noting, "There are various Tang culture performances throughout the day, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the cultural charm of the prosperous dynasty."