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Rudong harvests 60,000 hectares of rice since late October


Updated: 2023-11-10

In a symphony of mechanical sounds, Rudong county, Nantong is celebrating a bountiful harvest as nearly 60,000 hectares, or 900,000 mu, of rice have been harvested since late October. In the endless soil, multiple large-scale combine harvesters work tirelessly to ensure the golden grains are collected and sent to the granaries.

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Farmers work tirelessly to harvest grains. [Photo/WeChat account: rudongfb]

Wang Qianyong, the head of Qianyong Family Farm, is delighted with this year's yield, claiming that they can harvest over 26.67 acres in a day. 

The county has deployed 4,326 grain combine harvesters and 1,191 sets of drying equipment, with a focus on enhancing the efficiency of harvesting. Thanks to these efforts, over 40 percent of the crops have already been harvested.

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Equipment and machines are deployed to increase efficiency. [Photo/WeChat account: rudongfb]

The success of this year's harvest can be attributed to a combination of factors. Favorable weather conditions in October, the introduction of high-yield and delicious rice varieties, and high-standard farmland construction have all played a part. Efficient cultivation techniques, such as machine transplantation combined with fertilization, have further enhanced productivity.As the ideal time for autumn harvesting is upon us, farmers are reminded not to rely solely on good weather for drying rice. Promptly completing the harvesting process will help avoid potential disruptions due to changing weather patterns and ensure a smooth transition to wheat planting.

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Several factors help the county reap since late October. [Photo/WeChat account: rudongfb]

The county is now reaping the rewards of hard work, with expectations of higher yields.