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Agriculture industry in Hai'an pursues high-quality development


Updated: 2023-10-10

The agriculture industry in Hai'an, a county-level city in Nantong, Jiangsu province, is making steady steps towards high-quality development.

The county has developed a group of excellent enterprises engaged in the agriculture industry.

One of them is Jiangsu Sanling Flour (Hai'an) Co Ltd, which is affiliated with Jiangsu Grains Group. With 260 million yuan ($35.61 million) in ivnestment, the company has established a 50,000-metric-ton grain reserve depot and a complete industrial chain consisting of grain procurement, storage, and processing.

In addition, the company is dedicated to improving its production capacity by introducing advanced automatic processing lines and facilities for wheat from Switzerland, which helped the company handle and dry1,000 tons and 240 tons of wheat each day, respectively. In 2022, the company's sales turnover reached 520 million yuan.

Hai'an is currently home to four national-level leading agricultural enterprises, 21 provincial-level ones and 50 municipal-level ones.

Leading enterprises emerging in Hai'an are boosting the development of the industrial cluster. For example, the logistic park for processing of agricultural products located in the Hai'an Development Zone is a hub for agricultural enterprises.

The park spans 9,600 mu (640 hectares) and is divided to five areas. It has attracted 12 enterprises specializing agricultural product processing. Last year, the sales turnover of the park was 2.37 billion yuan.


Automatic production lines at an agricultural enterprise in Hai'an. [Photo/Nantong Daily]